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Business-to-consumer is an Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce) model that denotes a financial transaction or online sale between a business and consumer. B2C involves a service or product exchange from a business to a consumer, whereby merchants sell products to consumers.

Why Busniness-2-Consumer

Cloud-Based Operation

Cloud-based B2C CRM systems require no expensive hardware installation or maintenance, operating instead from off-site servers accessed via an internet connection.

Real-Time Updating

CRMs that instead rely on real-time processing, updated instantaneously and capable of giving you an up-to-the-minute picture of exactly where your customers are and what they need.

Advanced Reporting

This is especially advantageous for B2C businesses, who need to maintain an accurate awareness of their constantly shifting customer base.


B2C Integration

B2C integration is much invited today, enabling entrepreneurs to expand their reach to the markets,enhance customer loyalty and increase service standards to establish a prominent brand. It helps to record and maintain process business transactions simultaneously across different web-stores and with greater accuracy.

Business-2-Consumer Strategies

Effective B2C campaigns begin with extensive market research. To craft effective messages and select the right campaign elements, B2C businesses need to know who their customers are, what preferences and pain points they have, what they want, and where to find them. Marketing persons that represent specific market segments are often used to assist marketers with the development of targeted promotional campaigns.


Business-2-Consumer Strategies
Due to the rapid growth of eCommerce industry and the increasing influence of social media channels, B2C marketing strategies are constantly evolving. Yet, some of the most powerful strategies include:

  • Social media marketing and advertising
  • Paid search advertising
  • B2C content marketing & Email marketing
  • Loyalty and reward programs
  • Affiliate & Influencer marketing
  • SEO optimization

Business-2-Consumer Services
Due to the rapid growth of eCommerce industry and the increasing influence of social media channels, B2C marketing strategies are constantly evolving. Yet, some of the most powerful strategies include:

  • Inventory & Customer Management
  • Customized Solutions
  • Order Management
  • Multiple Payment Gateway
  • Promotion
  • E-commerce


Business-2-Consumer Challenges
There is much more competition and higher demands from the customers in B2C ecommerce then in the business-to-business model. We can highlight the following factors.

  • Consumer traffic
  • Payment processing
  • Client support
  • Product findability

B2C Advantages

Direct Communication

With the help of this business, you can directly connect with your consumers through a website. This shows the consumers that you care for them.

Business Expansion

With the help of great B2C e-commerce software, you can easily expand your business to different portions of the world.

Scope of Marketing

You can have more opportunities to strike and there are more chances of succeeding in your seasonal businesses on the internet.


The investment is a lot less compared to any other physical retail store. Plus, it’s easier to set up and gain access by the consumers.